Physiotherapy Resident

(It’s covered by physiotherapy insurance)





30 min / $100

40 min / $120

50min / $140

60min / $160



Physiotherapy Deep Fascia Release

30 min / $100

40 min / $120

50min / $140

60min / $160

70min / $180

90min / $220


Physiotherapy Resident in Ontario


Physiotherapist License


Physiotherapy Degree (Japan)

Shuta Kojima (Shaun) is a Physiotherapy Resident in Ontario. 

Born and raised in Nagano, Japan. Shaun earned a Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree in Niigata, gaining clinical experience in rehabilitation hospitals and researching injury mechanisms using motion capture technology. An international clinical program in Asia and North America inspired his passion for global healthcare and led him to Ontario.

Shaun has a strong interest in sports and movement science. He applies manual therapy, soft-tissue release, and tailored exercise programs to help clients improve flexibility, stability, and strength. Shaun collaborates with clients to set clear goals, supporting their recovery and performance.

Physiotherapy & Manual Therapy

Have an emergency? Or if you cannot find your preferred time online,
give us a call and we will try to accommodate for you.